You are here: Homepage / Our News / Şekeroğlu Fıstıkçılık ( Osmaniye ) Made A Move With Horizantal Color Sorter And Akyurekexcell 245 To İmprove Their Technologic Efficiency İn Field.

Şekeroğlu Fıstıkçılık ( Osmaniye ) Made A Move With Horizantal Color Sorter And Akyurekexcell 245 To İmprove Their Technologic Efficiency İn Field.

Şekeroğlu Fıstıkçılık is leader in sector and 

continues to business in Osmaniye, shows the 

importance of quality with technological moves they have been taking.

They catch the full efficiency on handling ground 

peanut with AKYUREKEXCELL 245 and SORTURK 

Horizantal Color Sorter Machines those are 

developed by fully experienced Akyürek engineers.

Akyurek will always stand by procuders to ease the producing and ensure the quality.