You are here: Homepage / Our Projects / Turkey / KÖŞEM KURUYEMİŞ/KAYSERİ/DEVELİ company joined group of companies becoming stronger with New Generation Sorturk.

KÖŞEM KURUYEMİŞ/KAYSERİ/DEVELİ company joined group of companies becoming stronger with New Generation Sorturk.

Country: Turkey

KÖŞEM KURUYEMİŞ/KAYSERİ/DEVELİ company joined group of companies becoming stronger with New Generation Sorturk. New Generation Sorturk became popular among our producers in the sector since its first introduction to the market. New Generation Sorturk creates difference with image shooting, internet connection, Microsoft operating system, product shape selection and many other features and distributed to four winds of the world with assurance of Akyurek Technology. We thank everyone for their efforts.