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Vertical Huller

Product Code: SPLT 340 - Vertical

The Vertical Huller uses the vertical abrasive, top to bottom working principle which has been proven to achieve the highest whole grain yield. The grain enters the Huller via two inlets and is guided into the processing chamber by a feed screw. There, it is exposed to careful whitening of the grain surface between the six abrasive rings and the screen.  


The Vertical Huller uses the vertical abrasive, top to bottom working principle which has been proven to achieve the highest whole grain yield. The grain enters the Huller via two inlets and is guided into the processing chamber by a feed screw. There, it is exposed to careful whitening of the grain surface between the six abrasive rings and the screen. As the rotor is dynamically balanced a smooth running is assured. The Hulling intensity is controlled by two easily adjustable means the counterweight of the retaining gate and the gap between rotor and brakes. For coarse adjustment, the vertical brakes attached to the sieve basket are moved simultaneously by simply turning a handwheel and there by tuning the resistance inside the chamber. The fine setting is done by changing the counterweight position of the retaining gate, thus controlling the pressure. The gravity flow of the product allows a trouble-free restart in case of an emergency shut-down. 


The Vertical Huller versatile enough to be adapted to various products such as Wheat, Barley, Peas, Lentil, Millet, Rice, Chickpea, Mung Beans. Designed to fulfill the highest needs in gentle Hulling. It is the perfect tool to obtain best surface treatment at highest whole grain yield. The machine can be operated and maintained with minimum effort. Due to its optimised sanitation concept, cleaning time is almost eliminated.  

Aspiration System:

The Vertical Huller is equipped with an optimised aspiration system that fulfills two tasks very efficiently: it cools the Grain and there by reduces breakage and supports the conveying of the husk out of the hulling chamber into the exhaust system. Therefore, aspiration air is guided partly through the product and partly around the screens. The aspiration hood, being easy to open or remove, gives full access to the heart of the machine. For best sanitation, no moving parts are involved in the hull removal system. The ammeter and the vacuum gauge allow the monitoring of the motor current and the negative pressure of the applied exhaust system.